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Oct 04, 2021
In The Soul's Curriculum Part 2
Solano was speaking about a mat with a dial where you can turn to Delta stage. I don´t think he was talking about my mat. First of all: Mine is not a "dial Delta" mat. Secondly, I was sitting across from him and usually he would point to me or mention me or would say something that was clear that this was the mat he means. So I think it is someone else in the class that has a mat that he refers to. Nevertheless: I do have a mat that I love and yes, it helps to induce meditative (delta) states. Here is a link to that mat that I have for over 15 years - and it is the best thing I have ever bought. I use it almost daily. But: you can not dial a certain frequency. It HAS frequencies - but you can not choose „Delta" for example - but you can choose a sleep state (aka Delta). a video: I was loocking around and found this: It seems like that those mats (including the one I have) are called PEMF mats. So here are some infos about them:
May 31, 2021
In The Soul's Curriculum Part 2
Hi there, are you feeling movement in the head (brain area) when doing the breathing exersice?


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